Quick Setup
QUICK START: You can add the DoorInteractionKit_Full_DemoScene to your project, to get a quick start with every part connected.
Make sure you have a FPSController
Add a DoorInteractor script (This may be on the Main Camera already):
Ray Distance: This is how far you can interact with objects
Interaction Key: What key should we use for interaction clicks. Default: Mouse 0
Adding Managers
Add a DoorInventory object from the prefabs folder:
Inventory Key: What key press do we need to open the inventory
Key List: Will fill when you collect object (Leave blank)
Add a DoorUIManager:
Object Interaction Prompts:
InteractTextBG: UI background for interaction text
Interaction UI: UI interactionnametext object
IconImage: UI - Icon that can be displayed
KeyPromptUI: For the key prompts when collecting, using or removing
Notification UI:
NotificationTextUI: Notification TextMeshPro gameobject from the UI
NotificationUIBG: The background UI object
Notification UI - Text Customisation:
Size of the notification
Inventory Fields:
Inventory slot prefab
Inventory Panel UI object
Fading duration when opening and closing the inventory
Timer: The timers for showing the popup UI of notifications on screen
Crosshair UI: Add the Crosshair UI here
Add a DoorAudioManager
You can add the Sounds - ScriptableObjects to this to make them playable
Adding Doors
Add a Door object to your project:
Box Collider
DoorItem script
EnablePrompt: Whether you want to interact prompt to show
Icon Parameters:
Enable whether you want to show the icon from the UI manager
Key Prompt Parameters:
Whether you want to show the KeyPromptText
Add text below to prompt for the player
Interaction Name Parameters:
Whether you want to show some kind of interaction text
Add the interaction text to this field
Item Type: Set this to the door type you wish to use
DoorInteractable script
Interactable Type: Select a Door or Drawer
Door Transform: Add the door to this slot here
Door Opening Settings: Set the angle, axis, speeds for opening and closing
Sound Delay Settings: Add the sounds scriptable objects and delay the audio if you like
Plank Settings: If you want to use planks over the doors to block it. Show it and set how many are above
Lock Settings:
Spawning Items:
Add your Canvases
Crosshair Canvas
Door Inventory Canvas
Text Prompts Canvas
Creating Keys
Add a 3D object of a key to your scene and make sure it is setup as below:
Box Collider
Door Item script
Set the DoorType to Key
Key Collectable script
KeyScriptable: Add the relevant ScriptableObject to this slot
PickupSound: Add a pickup sound of your choice
More information can be found on this page
Spawning Objects
Spawning Objects Suggestion:
Spawning items in drawers, make sure the drawer has a mesh collider because you don't want another collider blocking the interaction
Box Colliders have a larger area and can block more precise interactions
Box colliders are good for general interactions
Mesh colliders are more expensive but required when doing things like items in drawers
You can find more information on setup here
Last updated