privatevoidUpdate(){ RumbleGenerator(); GeneratorFuelBurnLogic();if(isLooking) {if (Input.GetKeyDown(GenInputManager.instance.interactKey)) { keyHoldTime =Time.time; StartCoroutine(CheckForLongPress()); }if (Input.GetKeyUp(GenInputManager.instance.interactKey)) {if (isFilling) { StopWaterPour(); // Stop the sound when you stop pouring fuel }if (!isFilling) { // If the key was released before the delay, perform the normal interaction ObjectInteraction(); } isFilling =false; // reset the flag when the key is released } }}IEnumeratorCheckForLongPress(){ // Wait for the delayyieldreturnnewWaitForSeconds(keyHoldDelay); //If the key is still being held down after the delay, start filling the generatorwhile (Input.GetKey(GenInputManager.instance.interactKey)) { isFilling =true; GeneratorFillingLogic();yieldreturnnull; // This makes the coroutine wait for the next frame before continuing }}