Detailed Setup
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Last updated
NOTE: You can get a quick start using the Entire_Fusebox_DemoScene prefab object and drag that straight into your scene. This will everyone to be already setup, you can delete the art assets as required but checkout the demo scene if you’re confused!
Layer of: Ignore Raycast
Any Interactable Object:
Tag InteractiveObject or as per the raycast script on the main camera, it will have the tag you need!
Add an FPSController to your scene. (Unless you’re using the demo which will already have one added, but the package will be required to be imported before use).
Please navigate to the scripts folder in the fuse box package and add the FBInteractor script to your MainCamera
You can set the Interact Distance and Interactive Tag to use
Add the "FBUIManager from the prefabs folder to your hierarchy
Add the crosshair image from the CrosshairCanvas components to the FBUIManager crosshair slot in the inspector.
Add the UI - FuseAmountText from the Fusebox Inventory Canvas to the Fuse Amount Text slot in the FBUIManager
Add the Fuse Inventory - Canvas to the Fuse Inventory slot in the FBUIManager script so we can show and hide the canvas when needed
Add the FBAudioManager script or from the prefabs folder
Make sure all the ScriptableObject sound effects you wish to use, are in the array. See more details on adding new sound effects here
Add the FBInputManager script or from the prefabs and choose the inputs for the system
Make sure the FBInventoryManager script or from the prefabs
Place a Single_Fuse into your scene from the prefabs folder.
Make sure it has the tag of InteractiveObject
Add a Box Collider
Add a FuseItem and set this to Fuse
Add the audio scriptable for the Pickup Sound
NOTE: You can duplicate these later if you need as many fuses as you require to complete the puzzle.
Add the FuseBox_Parent_Controller to your scene and place it where you want.
Make sure this has a tag of InteractiveObject
It will need a FuseItem script set to Fusebox
Make sure it has a Box Collider
There is no need to add the sound audio SO here
It will also need a FBController script as well.
Look at the FBController in the inspector on the FuseBox_Parent you just added.
NOTE: Read through the information below and attach the correct GameObjects in the FBController script in the inspector. See the image on the next page for more details!
Fuse Inserted
Tick these boxes to specify if any fuses should be in the puzzle at the start of the game. You can leave them all at false if you need to find 4 fuses to complete the puzzle.
Fuse Objects
Add the fuse object that exist within this parent object. As seen in the image below.
Add the FuseBox_Light_x to the slots from this parent object.
Green Button
Add the two materials that exist in the materials folder of the asset, M_Fuse_Box_Light_Green
Zap Sound
The ScriptableObject audio effect for the interaction sound
Power up – UnityEvents
You can create different events based on getting the puzzle correct, so add the “+” and add custom events you want!
You might want to increment the FuseBox_Parent_Controller_ with a 1 and 2 if you have more than one fuse box in each scene to make linking up the scripts easier. For example: FuseBox_Parent_Controller_1 and FuseBox_Parent_Controller_2