This is the power up event. I have created a basic script called "ActivateLights", which is a public method to change emission and activate some GameObjects.
You can add whatever you want here, whether that's opening a door, turning on a generator or more!
public class ActivateLights : MonoBehaviour
[Header("Array of Mesh renderer for objects we want to change the emission")]
[SerializeField] private Renderer[] thisMaterial = null;
private string emissionName = "_EMISSION";
[SerializeField] private GameObject[] lights = null;
//This is just a sample example of a type of action you could do after the generator is filled, this simulated turning on lights
public void PowerLights()
foreach (GameObject lightObjects in lights)
foreach (Renderer emissiveMaterial in thisMaterial)
public void DeactivateLights()
foreach (GameObject lightObjects in lights)
foreach (Renderer emissiveMaterial in thisMaterial)