Q). How do I Import the asset? A). Go to the Unity asset store and visit your “Download manager”. Download the asset if not already downloaded and click “Import”, import all required features of the asset for your use. It should have appeared in your project under “Phone Call System”.

Q). Should I import "Project Settings"? A). No, just untick the project settings checkbox on import, or import the package into a brand new project.

Q). Is there an example of this asset working? A). Yes, you can open the “PhoneSystem_Demo_Scene” to see the keypad asset or use this scene as your initial base of your project.

Q). How can I manually setup this asset? A). See the manual setup instructions on “This Page”. Make sure to remember to import the standard assets into your scene before starting or you may have errors!

Detailed Setup

Q). Why can’t I see the UI or why is the UI in the wrong place? A). that might be because you may have dragged some UI objects into the scene rather than onto the hierarchy. Make sure the X, Y, Z positioning of all parent objects (Which contain the UI’s) are set to 0, 0, 0 in the inspector.

Q). I’m having trouble getting the interaction to work and activating the phone. A). Make sure your 3D phone object has a tag of "Phone" if you're using the Raycast option. You can change the tag reference inside the “PhoneRaycast” script.

Q). Can I use this asset with a different character controller? A). This asset is intended for use with the provided Unity Standard Assets character controller but can be replaced by doing a couple of simple modifications. See the link below for more details:

Using Different Character Controller

Q). How can I add more phones to my scene? A). Check the page below:

Adding More Phones

Q). Do you want to organise the phone elements into an empty GameObject? A). When you create an empty GameObject, please make sure that the X, Y, Z coordinates of the empty GameObject are all 0, 0, 0 before dragging the parts into the GameObject.

Q). Can I use this asset with a 3rd person character with this asset? A). Yes, all you need is to use is a trigger event:

  • Box collider set to “IsTrigger”)

  • Add the “PhoneTrigger” script and attach the specific phone object which has the script “PhoneController” script attached.

Last updated