Q). How do I Import the asset? A). Go to the Unity asset store and visit your “Download manager”. Download the asset if not already downloaded and click “Import”, import all required features of the asset for your use. It should have appeared in your project under “Safe System”.

Q). Should I import “Project Settings” when choosing to import this asset? A). It is always recommend NOT to import project settings unless important for your project, you can alternatively create an entirely new project and import this asset with the project setting, then transfer the package folder over to your current project. To save any issues! Always back up your project before importing any assets – If you have any issues, do let me know!

Q). Can I use this asset with a different character controller? A). This asset is intended for use with the provided Unity Standard Assets character controller and my included door interaction script provided but can be replaced by doing a couple of simple modifications.

Q). Is there an example of this asset working? A). Yes, you can open the “SafeUnlock_Demo” to see the system in action, or use this scene as your initial base of your project.

Q). How can I manually setup this asset? A). See the manual setup instructions on “This page”.

Q). My Raycast isn’t working properly?

A). Make sure your player character (If it has a collider) uses a layer of “Ignore Raycast” to help this!

Last updated