Patch Notes - V1.5

Version 1.5 - June 2024 (CURRENT)

  • Key scriptable objets now use IDs to identify them, so you can more easily save them

  • Added brand new saving system using JSON to save all keys that are collected

    • Custom editor for the TKInventory script

    • Choose whether you want to save using the boolean checkbox

    • Added custom buttons to open location, check save file and delete if required

  • Converted all relevent UI text elements to TextMeshPro

  • Added brand new inventory system for the ability to collect more keys

    • Added brand new inventory slot prefab to intantiate slots

    • Added pooling functionality for all slots for better performance

    • Added text to the inventory, so you can easily identify key types (This can be set in the scriptableobject too

  • Removed InputManager script and added input buttons to:

    • TKInteractor script

    • TKInventoryManager script

  • Added boolean checkbox for all managers / singletons for persistence to save managers between scenes more easily

Version 1.4 - September 2023

  • Fixed GUID issues by duplicating scripts so we don't get classing with other assets

  • Applied root motion to all doors so animations will work on any rotations

  • Made Sound script generic to be consistent with my other assets

  • Renamed TKRaycast to TKInteractor

  • Key Inventory Canvas:

    • Added a CanvasGroup to the inventory canvas so it can be hidden without disabling the object itself

    • Created new icon background images and cleaned up the design

  • TKUIManager script:

    • Optimised the script for ease of use

    • Added a check to use a CanvasGroup so the canvas can be visibly active but transparent

    • Added the input for openign and closing inventory here

    • Added fade functioanlity so the inventory will now fade in and out when opening or closing

  • AudioManager script:

    • Updated the headers for more consistency

    • Used the ScriptableObject in the Play and StopPlaying methods rather than name to make usage easier

Version 1.3 - August 2022

  • Created new Key & Door controller scripts with refinements

    • Created new TKKeyCollectable script to replace the old TKKeyController

    • Created new TKDoorInteracable script to replace the old TKDoorController

      • Added a new boolean to choose whether you want to remove the key from your inventory after use

    • Refactored both scripts, new scriptables and more!

  • Created a brand new TKInventory script to reference a new created list of keys

  • Created ScriptableObjects for all sounds

    • Updated audio manager

    • Created a set of Sound scriptable for use

    • Added namespace for Sound script

    • Added new Scriptables for sound references in scripts

      • Exposed all of these for the inspector

  • Updated Raycast script to 2022 for easier, cleaner interaction

    • Added inputs to TKItem rather than the raycast script

  • Removed redundant DisableManager script

  • Created a new UIManager script

    • Moved crosshair interaction to this script

    • Updated main UI canvas for key inventory and UI management

  • Renamed UI sprites for all icons and shapes

  • Renamed all textures and created a new folder for shared textures

  • Added additional scene files to the additional folder

  • Added 3D Text to project for explanation

  • Completely removed baked lighting to save space in the project

  • Updated demo hierarchy to match with other updated assets

  • Added namespace to RotateObject

  • Fixed all yellow warnings from scripts (These are just annoying warnings more than anything)

Version 1.2.1 – August 2020

  • UnityEvent added to each door so different animations can be used from script

  • Generic Door Animation script created to use with the UnityEvent

  • Renamed some variables for consistency

  • Reduced the lightmapping size in the demo scene by 70%

Version 1.1.1 – May 2020

  • Updated all prefabs

  • Added namespaces to stop any script clashing

  • Added an Enum so the keys can be selected more easily

  • Edited all scripts for performance and readability

Version 1.1 - March 2020

  • Updated package to Unity 2017.4 (As per Unity Rules)

  • Added FPSController to package (As per Unity rule change)

Version 1.0 – April 2020

  • Initial Release

Last updated