Adding Trigger Event

  • Create a box or other 3D Object, make sure this object has a collider set to IsTrigger

  • Add the KeypadTrigger script to that 3D object and add the keypad object to the inspector slot named Keypad Object. (The keypad object will have the script KeypadItem)

  • Then set an input key you’d like to use for the interaction, by default set to E

  • In the KeypadController script make sure to tick TriggerEvent to true at the bottom of the inspector and then add the TriggerEvent object into the slot that appears.

Remember to take a look at the demo scene if you have any troubles, it might give you an idea on how to fix an issue! If you find the package helpful, please leave a positive review and star rating as it would really help me out! J If you have any problems, feel free to send an email to me!

Last updated