Patch Notes - V2.1
Version 2.1 - May 2024 (CURRENT)
Added brand new JSON functionality to save and load the inventory when notes are collected
Custom editor created so you can open, check and delete saved file
Saved file reloads all notes when starting the game
Uses Resources folder in your project to save files
Upgraded all text UI elements to TextMeshPro for easier customisation
Updated the note controller, editors and ScriptableObject to reflect this
Added new Inventory slot background image for slot prefab
Created null check for UI manager fields to make sure of missing references
Added boolean checkbox for all managers / singletons for persistence and choice
Made sure all UI elements are a child of the NoteUIManager so they persist across scenes
Fixed an issue where you could open a trigger note even when the inventory was open, which caused some minor issues
Fixed an issue where trigger event notes when saved in the inventory would throw an error
General optimisations and minor fixes
Version 2.0 - September 2023 (CURRENT)
3 new blank note backgrounds
Various new designed templates
7 different icons
General Fixes:
NotesInteractor script now directly opens the NoteController rather than an intermediate script
Duplicated all scripts to fix GUID errors with other assets
Made Sound script generic as similar with other assets
Added Arial default font to main package for font missing issue fix
Removed IsReadable as a boolean check for the system
New ScriptableObjects for Notes:
Created new NoteInteractable script as the intermediate script
Added the ability to choose whether you want to add the note to inventory
Fixed the Trigger script to include NoteData ScriptableObjects
Inventory for notes:
Created a new ScriptableObject called "Note" to make customisation easier
Refactored NoteController for this principle
Created a brand new custom inspector for the Note SO
Added functionality for "Adding To Inventory" in the SO
Added brand new incorporation of sprite images for inventory collection
Created new NoteInventory script
Created new InventoryUIManager script
Created new InventorySlot script
Created a prefab for the inventory slot
Enabled cursor when on inventory
Created a brand new canvas and UI for the inventory of notes
UI Changes:
Made background blur of notes much darker
Adjusted the Y pivot of the OverlayTextBG UI to 1 so it will scale bottom down
Removed GenericUIManager script as it's not needed
Removed NoteTypeSelector script because it isn't used anymore
Fixed the issue where the UI backgrounds would have gaps around the edge - Removed the default Background sprite
Condensed the inventoryUIManager into NoteUIManager
Unified all Note UI managers
Added CanvasGroup to Main UI, so it wasn't disabled by default
Combined the GenericUIManager into the NoteUIManager
Optimised the highlight and cursor methods for reduced lines
Updated all naming conventions to overlay for easier understanding
Unified all controller scripts
Added a boolean to choose whether you'd like to show or hide audio buttons as you could have playback automatic in this case
Changed the name of the NoteFlipAudio to NotePageAudio for consistency
Added new check for enabling or disabling overlay text
Renamed noteText field to pageText for better consistency
Renamed hasMultPages to ShowNavigationButtons for consistency
Added functionality so the overlay can be shown as soon as the note is picked up
Added new features to have any number of pages images and page text so it combined all other note controllers
Added Singleton to note controller
Added sound effect to note overlay button press
Moved editor folder to main directory to fix any build issues
Added null sets to all fields to remove all yellow warnings in inspector (Annoying Unity issue)
Version 1.6.0 - September 2022
Refactored "BasicNoteController" & "BasicNoteUIManager"
Refactored "BasicReverseNoteController" & "BasicReserveNoteUIManager"
Refactored "Custom Note Controller" & "CustomNoteUIManager"
Refactored "Custom Reverse Note Controller" & "CustomReverseNoteUIManager"
Added new SO references for audio clips for easier interaction
Created a brand new custom editor for each note controller
Shortened "UIController" reference in all scripts
Updated Raycast to 2022 version to become inline with the other assets
Created ScriptableObjects for audio effects
Added new "GenericUIManager"
Added crosshair reference to this script
Added the "Examine help UI" to the new manager
Moved "InteractPrompt" from Trigger script to this manager
Added EventSystem to UI Manager object
Tweaked overall UI elements for a more conherent look
Darker UI backgrounds
Added Better naming conventions for UI and variables
Demo scene for easier read and editing
Refined DisableManager and removed UI crosshair reference
Created UI Canvas for each note type for performance improvements
Added 3D Text instead of canvas elements for demo scene
Version 1.5.2 - June 2021
Updated the Raycast script to fully take into account walls and other objects that occlude interaction
Added a Photo style note example to the system, so you can use photos as well as text or even combine the two
Updated documentation to reflect changes in both instances
Make sure player character has layer of "Ignore Raycast" to stop raycasting issues
Version 1.5.1 - May 2021
ResetNote() method should have a reset for the audio prompt
Add the setup PDF to the package, as it's missing in newer versions
Changed some UI element names for consistency
Version 1.5 - April 2021
Remove "Previous" button on the first note page when there is no page to move back
Remove the "Next" button on the last page, when there isn't a page to move
Renamed "Next" & "Previous" UI Buttons for ease of use
Removed a key press from the script and changed to a Play/Pause UI Button
New graphics added for the button
Added a replay button for replaying spoken audio
Changed the key press for reversing the note and changed this to a UI button
All graphics changed to reflect this
Anchored all new and old UI elements
Fixed a bug where notes wouldn't reset properly - Created a reset method to update buttons and page number to their default when closing
Version 1.4.1 - April 2021
Fixed a small bug which made "Next" and "Previous" buttons appear when they shouldn't.
Version 1.4 - April 2021
New Additions
Online documentation found here:
Add multiple pages for notes, using an array to specify either images or text
Added "Next" and "Back" buttons to navigate pages
Added a close button for each pop-out, so notes can be closed with other actions
Added a new UI Manager for each note type
Created optimisations to refine the separate note controllers so UI's that are shared across multiple notes are controlled with one main UI controller, making the separate controllers more usable.
Audio when you turn the pages for "Next" and "Previous" - Also added a variable in the inspector to change the audio more easily
Added "EntireDemoScene_Prefab" for those that want a really quick start to getting setup
Minor Fixes:
Added new information to included documentation
Edited UI's and Canvas' to make them more optimised and view
Reduced file size of the product by removing light baking data
Fixed small issue with basic prefabs so "Press T" prompt didn't appear, when not wanting to play an audio clip
May need to edit the position of the note text boxes in the UI, if your image is different
Reduced the volume of the page flick audio effect
Reduced asset file size by removing baked lighting data
Version 1.3 – October 2020
General Fixes
Refactored all code and variables to be consistent throughout all note scripts
Reformatted the inspector to make it easier to use across all scripts
Edited Layermask of the raycast manager to give easier control of cancelling raycast
Updated all prefabs
Fixed an issue where the reverse and/or custom reverse notes which make one another activate, added a simple Boolean to check if the corresponding note is activate or not at any time. Also making it more efficient for all notes.
General Additions
Added a simple Boolean check, and audio clip slot in the inspector. If you want to add an audio clip to read your note (As part of your gameplay)
Added functionality to allow a button press and Boolean check to be added if you want the player to activate an audio clip on viewing the note
Both of the above features can be used together or separately, I have added a basic audio example for testing. Please see the demo scene for more!
Version 1.2 – July 2020
UI Changes:
Edited the canvas layout and the way it is display in Unity
Scripting Changes
Added a new Audio Manager, so more sounds can be added and called within script
Added a new input manager, which allows easy control of all inputs from one place
Refactored the Raycast, NoteController, ItemControllers and more!
Add additional check to the trigger interaction so UI prompt doesn’t appear when viewing a note.
Updated and edited sounds, textures and materials
Added new manager examples to the prefabs and demo scene
Update all prefabs and set them to 0, 0, 0 for future use
Version 1.1.2 – June 2020
General Additions
Trigger interaction added for 3rd person controllers and such
Input controller added for the raycast, allows you to pick from a keycode list
Inputs added for note controller, which allows you to choose a keycode on a per note basis
Enum added on a per note basis, creating a drop down to choose note type
UI Fixes / Changes
Added and updated all prompt UI’s.
Added a custom help UI with its own canvas (Can be removed)
Added new blur / background for note UI’s (Allowing them to be easily read)
Fixed all UI Anchors
General Fixes
General code refactoring and reformatting
Version 1.1.1 – May 2020
General Fixed
Added namespaces to scripts to stop any clashes with other projects
Added a new LayerMask called “LayerToExclude” which will allow you to add a layer to a wall or door (For example) and stop the raycast going through.
Updated demo scene FPSPrefab and general prefabs to be more consistent
Version 1.1 – March 2020
UI Changes:
Updated package to Unity 2017.4 (As per Unity Rules)
Added FPSController to package (As per Unity rule change)
Version 1.0 – February 2020
Initial Release
Last updated
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