October 2024 - V1.7.0 (IN DEVELOPMENT)
Added brand new persistence bool to all managers so you can specify if you want to keep managers / singletons between scenesAdded null checks for Examine, Flashlight, Keypad, Phone, Fuse box
Safe System
Needs to update text when switching to correct number
Make sure colliders on objects are smaller
Created new input name toSafeCloseKeyand added to input manager scriptCheck the trigger event disabling
Renamed all UI elements to be consistent with other systemsUpdated all UI elements to TMP
Created a new parent for Safe UI for easier disabling
Fuse Box System
Added null checks to UIManager script to avoid missing reference issuesConverted UI elements to TMP
Keypad System
Updated Keyboard Sci-Fi UI elements to TMPUpdated Keypad Sci-Fi elements to TMPUpdated Keypad modern UI elements to TMPRenamed all UI elements and organised for better debugging
Updated UI manager to reflect TMP additionsAdded null checks for all fields related to keypad system
Phone System
Updated Mobile phone UI elements to TMPUpdated Payphone UI elements to TMPUpdated Office phone UI elements to TMPRenamed all UI elements and organised those for better usage
Updated UI manager to reflect TMP additionsAdded null checks for all fields related to phone system for easier debugging
Flashlight System
Converted Flashlight battery parent UI text to TMPRemoved some raycast targets on the UI to avoid interaction issuesYou may pick up multiple batteries initially if theflashlight controllerhas more than 0Battery Countat the start. Fix this by adding 0 to this fieldFixed an issue where the flashlight wouldn't appear in the inventory even if the HasFlashlight bool was checkedAdded null checks for UI manager
Examine System
Edited Basic & Right Sided Examine UIExpanded parent UI element for better usageRecreated all text elements to TMPRenamed all elementsAdded TMP to Empty Close Button UI elementsRenamed and TMP added to Examine Help Panel UI elements
Changed the UI Manager now references the TMP type textFixed all font style issues when converting to TMPChanged Interaction naming to Highlight name for name highlight systemAdded UI debugs to UI manager for examine system
APK Support Hub Fixes
Rewritten APK hub descriptionAdded Write Review button and re-arranged button layoutUpdated header image for V1.7Added a newDont Open Automaticallycheck box so user can choose to stop this opening automatically but still open viaWindow > Adventure Kit Support Hub
Documentation Updates
Which UI objects need to be disabled by default at start for all systems
AK - Phone Canvases
All individual canvases needs to be disabled by default
Comments for more scripts and in-depth information
Add more details to where inputs are located in each script
Inventory Canvas UI - OFF
UI_Left_ButtonContainer - ON
All items inside - OFF
New Additions:
New Demo Scene
Keycard System
Change logo for APK starter message
Add new button models to interactive door
Make sure all systems have good input names and look at references for trigger (Like safe system and disabling the prompt when we might still need it)
Merge trigger event functionality?
Make sure these all share the same input
Add print note to disable manager
Have raycast only used for detection rather than input?
Add an "X" button to the inventory menu
Combine keypad & phone system together in code?
Add CanvasGroups to Canvases for easier understanding and smoother transitions
Maybe create fade for all UI's?
Check all current systems against single asset updates
Valve / Pipe
Emblem Key
Gas Mask
Note System:
Update to V2.0
Gas Mask System:
Change GMHealthManager to match V1.4 single asset
Generator System
Generator turning on when has fuel
Generator System: Remove Inventory Value?
Separate button for turning on & filling?
See Generator System V1.4 for update changes (Dec 2023)
FPS Character Controller:
Add Simple FPS Controller (My own)
Add crouching
Jumping Sounds
Add Physics Objects Movement
Create brand new trailer: Example
V1.8 Update List:
New Additions:
Door Interaction Kit
Text Inspect System
Input System:
Add functionality for new input system (Create tutorial in documentation and mention in description)
Recreate Third Person Controller functionality:
Make sure this scene uses the newer Unity TPS controller?
Change inputs for that controller?
Inventory System:
Brand new inventory system with 2 tiered functionality
JSON save system
Tool tip functionality - Below main section with title and description
Last updated