Quick Setup
Make sure to create tags called:
ExaminePoint: Tag for the ExaminePoint gameobject parented to the ExamineCamera
InspectPoint: Tag for every single inspect point that exists for an object
LAYER NOTE: If you can place these on the corresponding User Layers (As below) it is easier for setup, as Unity will automatically place them in the correct places so the below information might not be all relevant to you. (It's worth checking through just in case)
Create Layers:
User Layer 8: ExamineLayer (Doesn't need to be added to objects, referenced in code)
User Layer 9: InspectPointLayer (Tag for every single inspect point)
User Layer 10: PostProcess
User Layer 11: PadlockSpinner
Open APK help window for easy links and advice: Window > Adventure Kit Support
Download or update assets from the package manager
Importing Tips:
Import into a fresh project rather than a working project, to avoid issues
Always keep a backup of your working project BEFORE importing ANY assets
In the Import Unity Package dialog which shows all assets to be imported. DO NOT import project settings -- UNTICK that entire section
Errors On Import:
You will get import errors that refer to Post Processing (Import Processing Process to fix - see below for details)
Setup Steps:
Go to the Package Manager (Window > Package Manager)
Filter by Unity Registry
Search "Post Process". You will see Post Processing appear in the list (Make sure to install this package)
If you want a really QUICK setup to have very minimal setup, you can go into the prefabs folder and drag in the APK_EntireDemoScene_Prefab into your scene - It will have everything added, linked and ready to go!
Creating Tags:
Open the FirstPerson_AdventureKit_Demo (Assets > Adventure Puzzle Kit > Scenes) or import into your scene as above.
Select any GameObject in the scene and we'll now create tags and layers.
Select the tags dropdown in the top of the inspector and remove or create as required.
ExaminePoint: Tag for the ExaminePoint gameobject parented to the ExamineCamera
InspectPoint: Tag for every single inspect point that exists for an object
Create Layers:
User Layer 8: ExamineLayer (Doesn't need to be added to objects, referenced in code)
User Layer 9: InspectPointLayer (Tag for every single inspect point)
User Layer 10: PostProcess
User Layer 11: PadlockSpinner
LAYER NOTE: If you can place these on the corresponding User Layers (As above) it is easier for setup, as Unity will automatically place them in the correct places so the below information might not be relevant to you. (It's worth checking through just encase)
Checking Camera Layers:
Select the Main Camera (APK_FPSContainer > FPSController > MainCamera)
Physics Raycaster script - Make sure the Event Mask has the layer of PadlockSpinner
Leave Max Ray Intersections at 0
Post-Process Layer: Set the Layer to: Post Process
Select the Culling Mask dropdown (On the MainCamera) and make sure:
ExamineLayer, InspectPointLayer and PostProcess are UNTICKED (Everything else can be ticked)
Select the Examine Camera (Child of the Main Camera):
Select the Culling Mask and make sure ExamineLayer and InspectPointLayer are TICKED ONLY
Clear Flags Set To: Depth Only
Select the PostProcessingVolume GameObject and set the layer to PostProcess (Top Right of the Inspector)
If you do have any runtime errors with post processing, you may need to remove the "Post-Process Layer" from the main camera and re-add it.
Checking Prefabs:
Go into the Prefabs > Spawnable > Padlock folder and open the brass and black padlocks seperately, select all of the combination spinners and make sure the all have the layer of PadlockSpinner.
Check Examination Objects:
Open the Examine - Objects (Child of Puzzle Objects, in the Hierarchy)
Find any object which has Inspect Points
Make sure these inspect points have a layer of InspectPointLayer (Or they will not render correctly)
Final Notes:
All should be complete and ready to use, if you added the prefab from the folder
Last updated