Patch Notes - V1.5
Version 1.5 - May 2021 (CURRENT RELEASE)
New Additions:
Added a boolean to the examine system to allow pickup objects from the other puzzles to be examined
Added a new system type to the "AKItemController" script for normal object highlighting - Any object can now have a highlight to show it's name
Added a secondary feature to allow the generator system to have its original highlight features
The system now features 3 types of highlight interaction:
Original Raycast with no highlight or special outcome
New Examine System, specifically for items that can be examined
New Object highlight, for items which are interactive but cannot be examined
Added a Third Person Scene Demo example with BASIC integration (This isn't fully integrated into all assets because this is just an example - This wasn't the original intention of the asset but made to give users more options for interaction.
Added a small update to the disable manager to ensure users had an example of how to disable both FirstPerson and ThirdPerson controllers.
*NEW* Lever Puzzle System:
Added the lever / switch puzzle system which allows you to interact with a set of switches or levers that when pulled in the correct order, will allow a custom interaction
Includes animated objects, PBR models and full controllers
Note System:
Upgraded to V1.5
Added all 4 new version of the note system
New Reverse Note UI button for consistency
New Audio UI buttons added: Play, pause, reset audio clips
New variables and inspectors for each note to make it easier to edit
Brand new UI managers for each, so UI's are only managed on one objects
Examine System:
Updated scripts to V1.4.1
Inclusion of inspect points when examining objects
You can now have UnityEvents when you click on an inspect point
Added sample objects with interaction events, inspect points and child examples
Allowing empty parent objects and children whilst keeping emission and a new object new highlight for examination objects
KeyPad System:
Added variables to the inspector for setting audio names without editing the script
Resized all doors, keypads and elements
Gas Mask System:
Added the radial prompt for equipping and unequipping the gas mask
Added the radial prompt for changing filters
Added variables for all sounds used in the controller for easy renaming and linking
Re-imported Gas Mask and filter - Scaled and Reset XForm to correct 1, 1, 1 scale
Fixed an issue where pressing "T" to replace filter, the timer wasn't resetting
Fixed the bottom of Gas mask filter missing polygons
Gasmask controller now references the FPSController or player from the disable manager to avoid conflicts or errors when you change controllers (Thanks to Hendrik)
Flashlight System:
Added easy to use variables for sound names in the flashlight controller
Added flashlight trigger event so items can be collected for triggers
Added a variable for multiple batteries per pickup
Added a Radial prompt UI for replacing battery - Now it's more obvious when replacing batteries
Re-exported the flashlight objects and reset XForm to scaling 1, 1, 1
Chess Puzzle System:
Scaled down all objects to fit in reference to the scene
Themed Key System:
Resized and scaled keys, doors and elements
Changed were sound effects are played, now they can be changed on a per key and door basis
Refactored the door controller and key controller scripts by adding refinements and new variables to control animation names and sound effects
Padlock System:
Resized padlocks by resetting FBX XForm to 1, 1, 1 scale
Slightly adjusted the size of doors to match the rest of the scene
Added sound variables for easy changing without going into script
Phone System:
Resized the phones and reset the XForm to a 1, 1, 1 scale
Added audio variables to the inspector to make it easier to change audio clips
Fixed an issue where right clicking to close the phone wouldn't stop dead dial tone
Fuse Box System:
Edited the "AKController" so the "Fuse Box" is set to "Fuse Box Sys" to be consistent with the other systems
Resized and scaled both the Fuse box and main fuses and reset the XForm to 1, 1, 1
Added variable for audio to easily change it without going into the script
Safe System:
Resized safe system objects
Added sound variables to control sound names without having to edit script
Generator System:
Resized the generator objects for scale purposes
Re-exported fuel barrel and main generator and reset XForm to 1, 1, 1
Edited variable name for generator light to make it understandable
Added audio variables to the inspector to make sure users have easy access
UI Changes:
Added the Radial Indicator to the "UI Manager" for ease of access - Refined the functionality to properly take the whole press and hold, then letting go of the button press
Added the "TriggerPrompt" to the "UI Manager" for ease of access and changed all trigger scripts to reflect this change
Added a UI title change with a background image, to add space to the inventory panel
Adjusted basic inventory panels, re-ordered and anchored
Smaller Fixes:
PostEffectsBase (Obsolete issue) - Added to the FAQ (Thanks for Morten)
Height of the default FPSController changed from 2.8m to 1.8 - All objects scaled down to match
Deleted old and outdated models, when newer versions have been added
Version 1.4 - Feburary 2021
Fuse Box Puzzle System
Addition of the Fuse box system
Updated AKUIManager to include Fuse box
Custom fuse box UI to go alongside the other styles
Added custom door interaction with fuse box unity event
General Door interaction / function:
Added a button door example, where buttons can be pressed to open doors
Create a close animation state for the door animator
Keypad System:
Edit the "KeyPadDoorController" script to have a variable for specifying animation name
Edit the script to include a variable for specifying sound clips
Disable Manager:
Give better naming conventions to shared player disables for puzzles
Safe System:
Create own disable features or give from another items disabled element
Stop Inventory opening when interacting / Right click to disable*
Keypad, Examine, Safe, Note, Phone and Padlock Systems
General Quality of Life:
Added discord link to contact page
Video which showcases how to drag the entire demo prefab into your scene to have a quick start
Edit expanding page to make disabling and using a different controller more clear
Version 1.3 - November 2020
*NEW* Puzzles
Safe Unlock System - This will be a puzzle to allow the players to access a safe combination and select 3 combinations to open the lock.
Includes First and Third person interaction for the safes
Includes 6 PBR textures (Green / Blue / Black) in Damaged and Clean
Features / Changes
Examine System Updates:
Added a feature to set initial zoom of an object, so you can easily set the distance of certain objects
Added the ability to use the scroll wheel to zoom in and out of objects based on two values
Added a rotation offset to allow objects to be positioned in at any desired angle when first viewing,
UI customisation so you can change text style for the in-build UI
Added a requested close button for the asset, so you can use functionality other than "Right click"
Note System Updates:
Added a feature to allow audio clips to be played whenever a note is picked up
Added a feature to allow a button press to be used (Including a basic UI prompt) for playing audio
Fixed some naming conventions of some variables for consistency
Version 1.2.1 - September 2020
Fixed an issue where the "Chess Puzzle System" puzzle would complete, if the correct sequence was reached and an item removed.
Added additional 3D text prompts around the demo scene for better navigation and understanding
Created a simple transparent material to replace the basic material for trigger events, making it very obvious
Updated FAQ and PDF included document to match the online documentation more closely. Please use online documentation for in-depth information
Version 1.2 - September 2020
Puzzle Addition:
Chess Fuse Puzzle System - This will allow you to collect fuses around the game world to input into various fuse boxes and if all are put into the correct order, a custom interaction can be made!
Features / Changes:
Inventory Rework - Consistent design which will let users move UI icons around freely
Flashlight System Inventory UI Rework
Redesigned the entire flashlight UI icons to feature a square design
New flashlight basic icon for being on/off
Radial 360 dial to show battery indication
Bottom corner battery number indicator
Name below the main UI icon
Re-written the script to incorporate the new design and link as appropriate
Gas Mask Inventory UI Rework
Redesigned and positioned the entire gas mask UI to feature a square design
Radial 360 dial to show filter indication
Bottom right corner filter number indicator
Bottom left corner show filter icon for low value indication
Added lower section health bar with slider and text percentage
Health controller now has a range slider for selecting a maximum and current health, out of 100
Added a health slider to the system
Add range slider for filter percentage
Renamed Variables for UI linking, to make them more consistent
Re-written the script to incorporate the new design and link as appropriate
Gas Mask System Changes:
Having health regenerate over-time (When not in gas)
Flashlight System:
Hold "Q" to replace battery - Removed redundant code from this change and added timer variables
Generator System Inventory Design Rework
Redesigned to feature a square design
Re-attached scripts and check for functionality
Chess Puzzle UI Integration
Resized this UI to fit with the current theme
Add documentation for the chess puzzle UI integration
Themed Key System
Unity Events for Door animations
Add Generic Door animation script
Rename variables for consistency
Update Documentation to reflect the changes for the UnityEvent and door animation
Themed Key Inventory Design Rework
Created new layout and design to hold keys to match other UI systems
Arranged UI elements into a more consistent order within the canvas
Added small images of the keys that can be collected, rather than shape icons (Others are provided in the package
Generator System:
Adjust UI popout number spacing
Gas Mask System:
Filter UI not updating on Start
Note System:
Reverse Note - Reverse Text Alignment Issue - Note Text Area Scale: 795 Default
Renamed some variables to match with UI references
Add color picker for CustomReverse - Note Settings Customisation
Updated Note System Headings for Custom/Reverse Notes
Rename any code input fields to match variable name
Updated raycast to allow walls and other objects to be fully excluded from the interaction
Update all prefabs
Re-bake lightmapping for consistency
Version 1.1 - Late July 2020
Overhauled the examine system to make it much easier to use and have less setup
Updated the Gas Mask System and refined the code
Added new functionality, custom renaming and edits for the inspector
Added 3rd person support for Padlock system
Added 3rd person support for Note System
Refined the entire Padlock system scripts
Including adding new features for interaction, usage, customisation and setup
Tweaked basic inventory UI's and how they work to make the system more refined
Tweaked Generator system scripts to be more efficient through code
Version 1.0 - July 2020
Initial Release
Last updated
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