Step 2 - FPSController

Adding the FPSController

Make sure to give the FPSController main prefab a tag of "Player" - It can be created in the tags dropdown at the top of the inspector if not!

When you add an FPSController it should have several items parented, see below:

  • Empty Parent as a container with:

  • FlashlightSwing

    • Flashlight_Spot

  • FPSController

    • MainCamera

      • ExamineCamera

      • Padlocks

Main Camera Setup

Make sure this has a tag of "MainCamera"

  1. Make sure your main camera has a "AdventureKitRaycast" Script

  2. A "Vignette and Chromatic Abberation" script

  3. A "Blur Optimized" script


The distance the raycast can travel to an object, the lower the close you have to be to interact with an object

Layer Mask Interact

This needs to be set to "Interact" and can be created in the top right corner of the inspector by clicking the "Layer" dropdown

Layer To Exclude

You can add any other layer you wise to stop the raycast moving through, so you create a layer called "Walls" and add that layer but "EVERYTHING" is default

UI Crosshair

Add the "CrosshairUI" from the "Crosshair_Canvas" object in the "AK_Canvas_Container"

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