Examine Sys - Setup
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Examine System V1.5 Setup notes - To add:
Inspect points need "InspectPointMask" and tag of "InspectPoint"
ExaminePoint needs "ExaminePoint" tag
"ExamineCamera" needs "ExamineLayer" and "InspectPointMask" TICKED and all others unticked, in the culling mask
"MainCamera" needs to have "Interact" ticked and "ExamineLayer" and "InspectPointMask" UNTICKED (Leave everything else by default) in the culling mask area.
Make sure to have a "Examine_Canvas" object in your scene which will have all the UI elements. This will be a child of the "AK_CanvasContainer" if you've already imported it from the initial setup
Make sure you have the Examine Canvas added
Make sure to create a Layer in the top of the inspector called "Interact" and "ExamineLayer" (if not already)
Make sure there is an "ExamineCamera" attached to your main camera (With a Clear Flag: Depth Only & Culling Mask "ExamineLayer")
Make sure the Examine Camera has a child of "ExaminePoint" - Which is an empty GameObject in the position you want your objects to move to, when examining.
Add your 3D object to your scene, which you would like to examine and follow these steps:
Set the tag to "InteractiveObjects"
Set the layer to "Interact"
Add a "Box Collider"
Add an "AKItemController" script and set the system type to: ""
Add an "ExamineItemController" script and follow the steps shown below.
This object should be an empty GameObject and it will control everything that goes on for your UI for examining!
Basic Item Name UI
Add the "BasicItemName_Text_UI" from the "Examine_Canvas"
Basic Item Description UI
Add the "BasicDescription_Text_UI" from the "Examine_Canvas"
Basic Examine UI
Add the "Basic_Examine_UI" from the "Examine_Canvas"
Right Item Name UI
Add the "RightItemName_Text_UI" from the "Examine_Canvas"
Basic Item Description UI
Add the "RightDescription_Text_UI" from the "Examine_Canvas"
Basic Examine UI
Add the "RightSide_Examine_UI" from the "Examine_Canvas"
Basic Item Name UI
Add the "VISUALONLY_HELPPANEL" from the "Examine_Canvas"
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Tick this box if you want to show a basic help UI on the left for controls for examining
Set the:
Clear Flags: "Depth Only"
Culling Mask: "ExamineLayer" - You can create this layer at the top of the inspector by click the "Layer" dropdown if not available
Add these settings to a 3D object you want to examine
Make sure your object has a tag of "InteractiveObject" and a Layer of "Interact"
Add a "Box Collider" to your object
Add an "AKItemController" - Set the System Type to: "ExamineSys"
Add a "ExamineItemController" and follow the below settings for setup
Examine Point
Add the "Examine point" from the Examine Camera
Item Name
Set a name for your object
Item Description
Set a description of the object
UI Type
None, Basic Lower UI, Right Side UI
Show Highlight
Set whether you want to use an Emissive highlight for the object
Horizontal Speed
The Horizontal speed of rotation on the object. Default: 5
Vertical Speed
The Horizontal speed of rotation on the object. Default: 5
Left Click - Interact with a pickup
Right Click - Close or drop the pickup
(Hold) Left Click - (When Interacting) Rotate the object
These can be edited in the "InputManager"