Interaction Options

Please read here for information on the types of interaction you can do in v1.5 onwards:

AKItemController (Default)

This is the default interaction, it has no highlight or examine interaction but just allows you to click and pickup the object with no extra effects

  • Basic Setup includes:

    • Add an "AKItemController" script to any object you interact with

    • Set the "SystemType" > "Choose your system"

AKItemController with Examine System

This will allow you to interact with a specific 3D object and use it like an examined object, which means you can spin it around and then collect it if you wish

  • Basic Setup Includes:

    • Add an "AKItemController" script to any object you interact with - set to "Examine"

    • Add an "ExamineItemScript" Script

AKItemController with Object Highlight

This will allow you to interact with an object within the scene but have a object highlight interaction next to the cursor to display the objects name or a name you specify

  • Basic Setup Includes:

    • Add an "AKItemController" and set to "ObjectHighlight"

    • Add "Single Object Highlight" Script

      • Set this to the current type of the usual required system

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